About us

Welcome to QueerBerg Collective Berlin

QueerBerg Collective Berlin is a BiPOC Collective for queer Refugee and other trans* artists and performers in Berlin. Our organisational structure follows the revolutionary queer practise of the Houses as Trans and Non-binary people have formed them for decades to provide care and solidarity for each other. 

As all of us have had to flee our homes and countries and depend on the German asylum system, we do not have the resources to build an actual house in Berlin. Nonetheless, since Prens Emrah founded the collective by the end of 2018, QueerBerg has provided a similar support system for refugee artists both on stage as well as in everyday challenges we face as Black and Brown queers and trans* folks from Syria, Palestine, Malaysia, Kurdistan, Turkey, Asian countries and many more. 

We regularly perform on stage as dancers, performers, singers, musicians, DJs also curating festivals, parties and soli events for community. Our aim is to represent our art and our position as artists who are both affected by racism in white queer spaces and anti queer and trans violence in non-queer BIPOC spaces. We consider our pride, our sheer existence on stage as already revolutionary. But we also represent an actively anti-racist agenda and make sure to give space to refugees, trans* wo/men, se*workers, fat artists and consistently reflect our standing.

 Furthermore, we continue to enable newcomer artists to find their space on the stages of Berlin. We were awarded several times with TAG DER CLUBKULTUR prize by Club-commission and the Berlin senate

©Queerberg Collective. All rights reserved.

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